Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Transformers Minimates?

    Certainly, the biggest Transformers news of the week is Transmutate. Putting aside the absolutely surreal reality of that figure (I have never preordered something that quickly), I'm more interested in the long-term implications of the Minimates shown off.

    Minimates is sort of a dying brand, they only really do animated Marvel stuff anymore, alongside one-off box sets of new movies. Even Avengers: Endgame only had one 4-pack to cover the entire team with different head sculpts, if I'm not mistaken. Transformers is known for novelty mini figures, however, and these start off with four of the most recognizable characters in the franchise. The sculpts are a bit wonky, as they always are, but these'll hopefully revitalize the series a bit. My hope is they start covering some of the niches that don't have many toys, like Beast Wars. This could draw in the people who don't want another Optimus Prime.

Who would you like to see?

(image pulled from BBTS)

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