Thursday, April 29, 2021


    How do you all feel about reissues? This mainly applies to toys, but is also common in media releases. Do you care at all that it may undermine the value of what you already own? Is that even something you consider? Lately, I've been in the market for some vintage Tron toys (until I balanced my checkbook!) and was exposed to the wacky and wonderful world of the 2001 Neca reissues. Not only did they release the original four figures and all three light cycles: those reissues have demand comparable to the original toys. Even more interestingly, they made changes. Three of the original molds were released in translucent grey plastic, and the fourth was released in translucent black as a game-store exclusive that for some reason now demands $300. Are there any toy lines like this, where the reissues have become almost as expensive as the originals, without either eclipsing the other?

(image pulled from Dallas Vintage Toys)

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Getting ready for summer!

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